So I'm scouring all over the Internet [I love saying that] looking for the nifty-est things to throw under the Christmas tree.
Today I'm looking at items on one specific website, which isn't in the US so for some of them, you may need a currency translation, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it.

You don't have to try out every position on your own... You can sculpt it out first to see if it'll really work!

Forget the Rock 'Em Sock 'Ems, these grannies make it even funnier! It's a shame they don't have mud wrestling hotties, huh?!

Sometimes it's fun to go back in time but still have things that will work and play music.

Must there be an explanation for this gem?

Stop it. This can't be real... But it is! And everyone wants it now.

Who doesn't sing in the shower?! Now you can have your own little karaoke machine with you every morning when you enter your own world.

This would be both great and not so great for you and your partner. Ladies, you get to eat the chocolate [and I guess practice your skills?] while your guy watches you and probably loves it. The downside: it won't keep it's shape forever, you may not want to see every detail, and he's going to want you to just do the real thing.

A two-in-one greatness: A pillow shaped as boobs for you to... Well, whatever you want... That doubles as speakers for your iPod.
Pretty great. Prett-tyyyy great.
Let the countdown continue, and your list grow!!
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